Purposeful Living at Autumn Leaves

June 29, 2016
Clair and Vernon Hills resident

Clair Jameson with Autumn Leaves resident

Guest author:
Clair Jameson, Director Of Life Engagement

As human beings, we are defined by the roles that we hold:  father, mother, son, daughter and friend, not to mention the professional and societal roles we hold during a lifetime.   Over the course of our lives, those roles change, transform and in some cases diminish in their daily use and application.  One day, we wake and realize that many of the roles that we held so dearly and so closely identified with have become minor parts of our daily purpose and routine.

Those we serve in our communities find themselves in the new role of “resident”.  That role can be as small or as large as we choose to make it for them, and it is up to us to create value in that role through activities of purposeful living.

Purposeful living is a term we, at Autumn Leaves, use to describe tasks and engagements that add value and purpose back to a resident’s role and life.  Folding laundry, peeling and prepping vegetables for community meals, sorting and organizing, mailing invitations and newsletters, making decorations for events, along with many other engagements, help to create a sense of purpose and add value to the role of “resident”.  While the monthly calendar provides a framework for engagements and community events, the purposeful living opportunities are woven throughout the day to support and uphold purpose and foster feelings of self-worth and contribution.

Purposeful living activities are as varied as the residents who live in our communities.  In fact, these activities best serve the residents when they are tailored to individual interests, backgrounds, and habits of daily living.

Below is a recent example of purposeful living at its best! Residents at Autumn Leaves of Cityview eagerly and actively participated in their new “Veggie Peelers Club” this week, helping shuck corn, snap green beans, peel carrots, and pluck cilantro leaves. To the delight of staff and visitors watching in, residents who don’t often engage in daily activities spent long stretches of time working on this project! Perhaps it was knowing that they were helping contribute to a community meal, or that they enjoyed the camaraderie of the activity, or maybe in that moment, they were transported back to a quiet night in their own kitchen preparing family dinner. Whatever the reason, we know purposeful living reaches our residents on a truly meaningful level. Try it with your loved one – you might be surprised with the results!